Kai- My amazing, disc catching Pitbull

Frisbee catching Pit Bull, Kai.

Kai loves to catch flying discs.. JAWZ is her brand of choice…. we were just having a little fun at the park & my friend captured some slow motion video of her.. not bad for a dog w/2 ACL surgeries, huh?

One Comment on “Kai- My amazing, disc catching Pitbull”

  1. Winnie's Mommy says:

    Go, Kai!

    I was looking for online doggie biscuit recipes besides your own (partly because I am so disgusted with commercial breath biscuits, I’m going to try and adapt a recipe), and I found a cute looking site, but I don’t know if any of the recipes are OK. Here’s the site and the recipe with vegetable oil, yeast and molasses. These don’t have any harmful effects, do they? Also, I have seen parsley, rosemary, and mint in breath biscuit recipes. Do these all work?

    Thanks so much!

    This is from the site best-dog-treat-recipes.com

    Ingredients for Peanut Butter Nuggets
    Homemade Dog Biscuits

    1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
    1 cup white flour
    1/2 cup oatmeal
    1/4 cup dry milk
    1 1/4 cups water
    1/2 cup peanut butter
    2 tablespoons blackstrap molasses
    1 1/2 teaspoons dry yeast

    Place all the ingredients in your bread maker in the order that your machine requires.
    Set the bread maker for the dough cycle.
    When the dough is ready, remove it and divide it into 3 pieces.
    Roll each chunk of dough into a sheet that is ¼” thick.
    Using an apple corer, press the corer hard onto the sheet of dough. This will make an indentation, but won’t cut all the way through the dough. I just take a sharp knife and go over the indentations to cut the pieces. You will end up with shapes like the dog biscuits in the picture and a small circle that is in the middle.
    Place the dog treats on a lightly greased baking sheet.
    Bake the treats at 300 degrees F for 45-60 minutes. Check them often to make sure that they don’t get too brown.
    Turn off the oven and let the dog biscuits dry in the oven overnight until they are hard and crisp.

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